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Still the Onliest Boy, But It’s All Good

Performance group is 11 or 12 girls and me. The choreography is really lovely. Mr. BesstMode is driving the train, and he’s got the girls opening with a beautiful little canon.

I come in at the end of it (learned it anyway, because just standing there the whole time would be a legit dick move). Thus far, my part goes:

Wait, wait, waitywaitywaitywait … wait some more, wait, countcount, sauté arabesque!

I’ve got that much memorized 😀

(I get to literally leap into strange, basically. Okay, so technically Sauté Arabesque is a jump, but work with me, here.)

Don’t worry, though. I jokingly said, “I’ve good on my part so far!” and Señor BeastMode replied, “Oh, don’t worry—I’ve got you working!”

The upside of being the only boy is that you essentially automatically get a featured role(1).

  1. Honestly, even if you’re all doing the exact same thing; ditto for whoever is is the Odd Dancer Out, whether it’s all guys and one girl, or all zebras and one giraffe, or all swans and one very confused velociraptor who has made the kind of questionable life choices that lead to time-travel and its attendant effects. 

The down side of being the only boy is that, like, you automatically get a featured role. Fortunately, I am both laughably overconfident and completely impervious to fear of looking like a complete ass(2).

  1. I really only suffer from that retrospectively, when I watch video and immediately want to crawl under the nearest rock.

I can’t wait to see how this turns out.